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Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2012


5. Kosuth’s display of uniform panels and repeated forms with minor variations  seemed to directly acknowledge the precedent of Andy Warhol’s 1962 Ferus Gallery  show of soup cans. More pointedly, Titled also contained one panel with a  quotation from Warhol instead of from a dictionary: “In the future everybody will  be famous for fi fteen minutes.” A striking punctum in the series, that panel seems  to ask the viewer to supply the word for which Warhol’s phrase would serve as a  defi nition. It also underscores the cold war shadow of Warhol’s comment and the existential threat of “nothing” behind the funereal black of Kosuth’s panels: fifteen  minutes was the widely cited time offi cials believed a Russian nuclear missile  would take to reach the continental United States. Detalle de Collage de Ury Enríquez, como colaboración al proyecto Grajea 73 de Isabel Lucena Toledano.  Párrafo entero extraído de: DWORKIN, Craig. Against E...